Hi there ! In Part-1 of this post, I've discussed about the Exam, Application process, Eligibilty and the steps I was required to follow before PGET 2020 exam. I would recommend you if you haven't read the Part-1, just check that out and come back. In this post, I have discussed in details about CSE paper, its difficulty level and the subjects and topics the questions came from.
Online Exam
As I've mentioned in Part-1, I took the Online Remote Proctored Exam from my home. This year, due to COVID-19 pandemic, special arrangements were made for the candidates so that they can appear for the test from their home.
PGET 2020 Mock Test
Before appearing for the actual exam, all candidates were asked to sit for the mandatory Online Mock test just to get familiar with how the examination interface and how its going to happen. On the online exam portal, the link got activated on 5th September 2020 at 5:00 pm and I had to take the test before 11:59 pm on 6th September 2020. Login credentials were sent to me along with the portal link through my registered email.
The confusion occurred when I sat for the Mock exam. My paper was CSE but the Mock test questions were from some other engineering branch, probably Automobile or Mechanical. I somehow completed the test and mailed to the Helpdesk. They replied saying, being a Mock test, the question paper was set to be same for ALL the branches. Well, in my opinion, that should not have happened. This is I am sharing just to let you know that these kind of situations may arise. Thus, you don't panic and let them know by email or by calling at given number(s) as soon as possible.
PGET 2020 Final Exam
The online examination date was 8th September 2020. Like the Mock exam, I was emailed the Exam link and Login credentials one day before the test. My slot (link active duration) was from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. I logged into my portal and started my exam from 11:30. The interface was same as Mock exam. Unlike Amcat tests, you will have the option to revisit and review or change the previously answered questions, if you wish to.
My suggestions
If you get a chance to sit for the Mock exam before the final exam, go through all the instructions thoroughly and try to use all the features provided in the portal during exam. By all the features, I mean the provided options for 'Save and Review' option, toggling between options, using the virtual calculator etc. so that during the final examination, you'll have an overall idea about the interface and how things work. Moreover, you don't need to read and understand them at the time of final examination. Now let's discuss about the question paper.
Paper analysis - PGET 2020 CSE
In most of the exams, the examination syllabus remains more or less same as GATE. In PGET 2020 CSE paper, the questions were asked from the GATE syllabus as well as some other CS subjects as well. There were NO questions from Engineering Mathematics and Discrete Mathematics, though in my opinion, they play a major role in CS. Moreover, around 12-15 marks are asked from these portions in GATE CS every year.
Subjects from which questions were asked :
- Data Structures - I got questions from Heap, Tree, Linked List, Stack, Graph traversals
- Algorithms - Sorting
- Networking - Packet switching, Circuit switching, DNS, HTTP, HTML and XML
- DBMS - Transactions, ER diagram, Relational model and schema
- Operating Systems - Deadlock, Process scheduling algorithms, File
- Software Engineering - Spiral model, SRS document
- Digital Logic - Kmap reduction, Logic gates, Decoder, Flip Flop
- Java and OOP - Constructor, features of OOP
- Basic questions from Computer Graphics, AI, Image
- Computer Organization & Architecture - Only 1 or 2 questions
I believe, difficulty level depends on how well you have prepared for the exam. I didn't find PGET CSE previous year question papers, so I cannot compare this year's question paper with the previous ones. But it is always better to prepare as much as possible by revising your class notes, solving previous years' GATE questions and practising them repeatedly because if you've prepared for GATE, this exam is going to be easy for you.
This was all about my story, hope this will help. Thank you for reading it. Please leave your comments below and all the best. Subscribe to my blog for Exam related discussions, study tips, interview experience and much more. Have a great day !
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